Beautiful Tattoos and How to Embrace Your Femininity

Every session has a different story behind it

and K’s boudoir shoot was no different. She wanted to see herself in a positive light and get in touch with her femininity, and we got to highlight her beautiful tattoos while we were at it!

tattoo photography

Before her session, K told me that she struggled with confidence and self acceptance. This photoshoot was her attempt to see herself through someone else’s lens. After her husband suddenly passed away the year before, she had really felt down about herself and she wanted to do something about it.

I was so glad she reached out to me and that we could work together to help her feel more in touch with herself! This is why I do what I do.

feminine portrait photography

In her pre-shoot questionnaire, K let me know she really loves her tattoos and that she had never had them photographed before. I wanted to make sure I highlighted all of the beautiful artwork she’s had done through her poses. I loved hearing all the stories behind her tattoos while we were shooting!

By featuring her tattoos like this, we were not only able to get her to feel more comfortable in her skin, we also got to highlight all the meaningful and beautiful things her tattoos represent.

She was super nervous in the beginning, but just like everyone else, she got the hang of things pretty quickly! I love seeing my clients open up and get comfortable right in front of my eyes.

femininity tattoo photography

In her own words: “I was nervous at first but once the session started, I felt relaxed. Plus you have to concentrate on following directions and moving my body. When she tells you that you're getting a workout, you definitely do! The session was great and Jessica really makes you feel comfortable and encouraging. She hypes you up and plays great hype music.”

I feel so honored that K came to me when she was struggling. I am a boudoir photographer for exactly this reason. My goal is to empower and embolden women who truly deserve to feel amazing about themselves!

embracing femininity

In K’s questionnaire after the session, she said, “I did this session because my husband died suddenly in 2019- after twenty years together. I was having a hard time feeling like myself, beautiful, sexy or like anyone would ever want me again. I was told I needed to get in touch with my femininity and after seeing Jessica's Instagram I felt like this was the perfect opportunity to do just that- feel empowered, feel sexy, feel beautiful and embrace my feminine energy. Jessica helped me do just that and more! I love my photos and I would do it again!"

Interested in having the kind of experience K did with her boudoir session? Reach out! Let’s get you embracing your femininity, feeling sexy, and feeling empowered! 


My Top 3 Reasons To Book a Boudoir Session